- Dr. Doug Waterer (Retired) University of Saskatchewan Saskatoon SK Canada Vegetable Research Articles
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- Herbicide Efficacy and Crop Safety in Spring Planted Garlic (2016) - 3 pages
Herbicide Efficacy and Crop Safety in Spring Planted Garlic (2016) - 3 pages
As a short stature, shallow-rooted crop garlic is poorly adapted to compete against weeds. Careful weed control over the full duration of the growing season is recommended. Relying on tillage to control weeds in garlic is problematic as the rows are tightly spaced and its coarse shallow root system is sensitive to soil compaction and mechanical damage. Multiple passes of tillage equipment combined with frequent irrigation also tend to promote the emergence of several flushes of weeds over the course of the season. For these reasons, growers are interested in the potential to use herbicides in garlic. However, the range of herbicides presently registered for use in garlic in Canada is very limited and the limited number of products that are registered have to be used carefully otherwise there is significant potential for crop damage to occur,
The objective of this project was to do a preliminary assessment of the crop safety and efficacy of one of the herbicides registered for use in garlic in Canada (bromoxonil) along with a potential alternative herbicide – oxyfluorfen. Oxyfluorfen is presently registered for use on onions in Canada and is widely used on garlic in the USA.